Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority

Information card of Establishment and local government office "Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority" at 809 Edmond Street, Bristol, VA 24201. Here you will find information about the company, its address and phone number, work hours and customer testimonials.


Phone number:
+1 276-642-2001

809 Edmond Street, Bristol, VA 24201
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Establishment   Local government office  

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Working times

Monday 08:00am — 05:00pm
Tuesday 08:00am — 05:00pm
Wednesday 08:00am — 05:00pm
Thursday 08:00am — 05:00pm
Friday 08:00am — 05:00pm
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  • Lisa S
    Apr, 04 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I wouldn't advise anyone to transfer your Sec 8 voucher to this particular Sec 8 office as I had exceedingly misfortune while trying to contact my Sec 8 worker to have her transfer my Sec 8 voucher to Charlotte, NC close to the entire month of June, 2011. My son nearly had a nervous breakdown at the end of June plus I also was suffering high stress while staying in a motel the entire month of June, 2011. She just could not be gotten a hold of and so the 1st of July, 2011 we had to backtrack back to Bristol, VA to see her. We ended up going back to square 1 to IL. Due to her total uncaring and un-helpfulness and stating that it was not her job to be concerned about us after we'd left Bristol to stay in a motel, we did not get to relocate to Charlotte, NC. And as a result both of us especially me have been miserable these past more then 5 year period. I have become extremely and chronically depressed due to this inept and cold hearted Sec 8 case worker. The entire office of staff was probably behind her sabotaging our relocation attempt. They care nothing for a person's happiness and wellbeing. Another thing about the Bristol, VA Sec 8 office is that unless they have changed at the time I lived there they had stupid, unhelpful rules for the Sec 8 clients. You had to have your landlord tenant papers in by the 20th of the month in order for the landlord to be paid starting on the 1st of the next month. Therefore if you turned your papers in on the 21st of the month then the landlord would not receive any rent payment until the 1st of the month following the very next month. If you want your voucher transferred to another city you'd better make sure you have it sent before you leave Bristol. And also about porting to another city, Bristol said it was against their rules to fax your papers to that cities Sec 8 office. They said they would only mail it - snail mail it (regular US postal service mail delivery). But then for some reason when I made the terrible mistake of transferring back to IL (square 1) she (my worker) said she would email my voucher. Yet she wouldn't email it when I tried going to NC. Talk about being unhelpful and not trying to get you into housing asap and also to where you really want to port to. I'm writing this because over 5 years later I'm still in an unhappy place and not where I want to be living. Should I not gripe? And the difficulties are not just with this housing authority Sec 8 but I've experienced them with other Sec offices as well.
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